Whether buying your first bong or your new to the smoking scene, knowing how to choose a bong that you love can seem daunting.

Are you starting to feel the dark clouds and the overwhelming sensation at all the different types of bongs, bong sizes, and bong accessories? Do I get a 10mm male joint or a 14 mm female joint? If I pick the wrong one, does that make me sexist?


Worry not my friends, today we’ll be talking about bongs at an elementary level, so get your crayons ready. Whether you’re looking to find the best beginner bong or if you want to have a more in depth understanding, we’ve got you covered.

Choosing the right bong does matter. Maybe you’re looking to take bigger rips or you’ve got nosy neighbors and you want to minimize your clouds? Do you have sensitive lungs and are looking for a smoother, less harsher rip?

We’ll break down all you need to know so you can buy a bong that is most tailored to your needs.

Best of all, if you know exactly what to get and what not to get, you wont have anymore unnecessary money spent on unneeded bongs that DON’T suit you.

Keep reading below to learn how to choose a bong that is perfect for you. But first, learning how to pick a bong all starts with understanding the different bong sizes, so let’s get right into it.

Bong Sizes and Why They Matter

So what are the different bong sizes and why do they matter?

The cannabis market these days are completely saturated with all kinds of bong types and add ons, that it can be confusing and at times even frustrating to figure out what is actually needed in a bong and what isn’t.

Truth is, everyone will have a different preference on what type of bong size they need to fit their everyday lifestyle. Maybe you’re constantly on the move and you need something on the smaller scale like mini bongs, or maybe you’re a home body, in which case a larger bong might be more ideal.

Either way, there is something for everyone, and that is the sole purpose of our guide, helping choose the right bong for you.

BONGS ONLINE has every type and size bongs made from high quality material with excellent customer service. It won’t be hard to find the perfect bong for you.

Well, what exactly are the three different sized bongs out there on the market, and what are the benefits of each? Let’s identify the different bong sizes:

Mini Bongs – Best for Portability

Mini bongs are be fun pieces to have due to their small size, making them quite ideal for on-the-go travels. They’re generally light in weight and are perfect for those looking for a more discreet approach to their smoking experience. Mini bongs are also

However, there are two draw backs in having a smaller glass piece such as less airflow and harsher hits. Because these bongs are mini, smoke doesn’t have enough space or room to allow a proper and efficient air circulation, therefore, resulting in harsher hits since smoke is not optimally filtered.

TIP: By using Billy Mate Mouthpiece Filter, it makes the hit smoother, so there will be much less throat irritation.

Medium Bongs – Great for Daily Use

Medium bongs are more common since it’s what the name implies, right in the middle of small and big. You can still reap the benefits of what a mini bong can provide plus the advantages of what big hitter bongs can deliver. The height of a medium sized bong is generally anywhere between 10-14″.

Even though it’s not as huge as a bigger bong, it’s still greater in size when compared to that of a mini one, which knocks it off the list of making it discreet or even travel friendly. These are important points to consider when buying a bong.

Large Bongs – Perfect for Home Use

Large bongs are usually for the more experienced smoker, though, not limited to beginners. These large sized bongs work wonderfully for home use since they are bigger and not discreet or travel friendly. In a lot of ways, this is the best type of bong to buy since they allow optimal airflow and smoke filtration.

This results in smoother and tastier hits, which reduces throat and lung irritation tenfold, as compared to medium and small bongs.

TIP: By exercising your diaphragm, you will be able to open your lungs, and therefore increase your breathing and lung capacity, or in other words, allow more smoke to be inhaled. This way, when you’re ready to start smoking, you’ll be able to take longer breaths which will allow for a larger hit.

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